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These guys on TV were talking about spending and one made the point that government spending money comes from businesses and the taxpayers.
I agree, but, that is not the whole truth and nothing but the truth. You want the real truth! I’ll give it to you! All government income originates from some form of business profit.
“Profit” and nothing but profit can create wealth. When you tax choke to death the goose that lays the golden egg you go to the poor house or you starve. However, you can never get a liberal to understand that simple fact.
The problem with economics is not enough Americans understand it not even trained economist. The first rule is you can't separate the economy from culture and human behavior.
The next thing is using money is supposed to be only an easier means of trading and bartering, societies survived with trading and bartering long before money or a currency was invented.
Actually, the value of money is supposed to be in the money itself in the form of gold, silver, or some other precious metal, not some worthless paper backed only on faith.
It started when someone suggested why carry around all of this heavy money why not let the government print a paper note and lock the gold and silver away as a backup.
That worked just fine until the “New deal” came along and opened the door for the government to seize the traditional family provider role for itself.
Once government got a taste of the God like power of being a super sugar daddy provider the politicians went hog wild and is still spending like there is no tomorrow.
The gold backup did survive until President Richard M. Nixon just flat outright outlawed it, then the liberals from both political parties with little or no resistance found themselves in spending hog heaven and are still having a field day.
Life itself is a process of cycles and rebirths, success and failure are part of our existence and there is absolutely nothing man can do to change that fact.
That means booms, busts, good times, hard times, famines, and horrible acts of nature are always going to come around sooner or later.
The only tried and true protection that has allowed man and civilization to survive over the years is to maintain and safeguard a strong culture.
A strong culture must have a strong nuclear and extended family system, a strong religious or moral code in place, and adequate backup bartering capacity, we have very little of that left.
A physical valued or gold backed currency will safe guard a nations culture by purging or holding at bay the negative anti-survival forces like moral decay, left and right extremes, and porn.
Now, the only way to save the USA is to some how rebuild her culture, but that can never happen unless the people and the states vote the welfare state beast out of its super provider role.
The next thing is using money is supposed to be only an easier means of trading and bartering, societies survived with trading and bartering long before money or a currency was invented.
Actually, the value of money is supposed to be in the money itself in the form of gold, silver, or some other precious metal, not some worthless paper backed only on faith.
It started when someone suggested why carry around all of this heavy money why not let the government print a paper note and lock the gold and silver away as a backup.
That worked just fine until the “New deal” came along and opened the door for the government to seize the traditional family provider role for itself.
Once government got a taste of the God like power of being a super sugar daddy provider the politicians went hog wild and is still spending like there is no tomorrow.
The gold backup did survive until President Richard M. Nixon just flat outright outlawed it, then the liberals from both political parties with little or no resistance found themselves in spending hog heaven and are still having a field day.
Life itself is a process of cycles and rebirths, success and failure are part of our existence and there is absolutely nothing man can do to change that fact.
That means booms, busts, good times, hard times, famines, and horrible acts of nature are always going to come around sooner or later.
The only tried and true protection that has allowed man and civilization to survive over the years is to maintain and safeguard a strong culture.
A strong culture must have a strong nuclear and extended family system, a strong religious or moral code in place, and adequate backup bartering capacity, we have very little of that left.
A physical valued or gold backed currency will safe guard a nations culture by purging or holding at bay the negative anti-survival forces like moral decay, left and right extremes, and porn.
Now, the only way to save the USA is to some how rebuild her culture, but that can never happen unless the people and the states vote the welfare state beast out of its super provider role.
I knew when the liberals finally got the elderly on government health care it was going to be almost impossible to save individual freedom and America itself. Once you make people your dependents very few are going to bite the hand that feeds them.
Now, nearly 50 percent of the American people are heavily government dependent and don't pay any federal income taxes, how can you expect people to vote against their own self interest, you can't.
The nation is on a suicide mission with little or no hope of individual freedom surviving, and even worse the young and average American still don't get it, especially the mostly liberal news media. Please God, help me educate this great nation.
This is a stress call for our survival as a free people. The big plus with getting back to a real physical currency with the value self contained within itself is it would assure survival of the people no matter how stupid the government acted.
The currency would be protected against all inflation and if you buried it or hid it under the mattress it would keep its value. Also, it would put most of the financial power back into the hands of the people.
I don’t see any way USA sovereignty can be saved with the financial course we are on, the UN. or some world body will end up owning us if we don’t get back to a real currency.
However, getting back to a real currency is something the people will have to demand because politicians and the government will never give up wielding their super provider God like power.
They will stop at nothing to continue trying to do the impossible which is to keep our welfare state beast fed.
There is not enough money in the whole wide world to keep financing our welfare state, but the liberals are in complete denial and are taking the great USA down for the count.
There is not enough money in the whole wide world to keep financing our welfare state, but the liberals are in complete denial and are taking the great USA down for the count.
Even today if you found a buried treasure hidden by a black beard over 600 years ago its value would be just as much because the value and worth is self-container within the precious metal itself.
Freedom is something the average American takes for granted. While we sleep comfortable in our cozy warm beds at night very few of us ever take time to think that vigilantly standing guard every second twenty four hours everyday protecting us is our military.
It’s been a long time now over fifty years ago when I was active duty military and played my small part physical and up close. I have seen up close some of the might that protects us.
The old ICBM’s have long been retired now, but I have been down five floors deep into the bowels of a missile silo in the Nebraska countryside as a young U.S. Air Force firefighter.
Someone said something to this effect, “Freedom is never free.”