I really don’t know where to start on this subject because so few have the perspective to see the big picture on this matter. Anyway, I’ll just start with research and who brought modern medicine to the high level it is today. You better believe it was not a one payer communist or socialist system.
It is what’s left of the good ole private enterprise free market system in the USA and its research that blazes the way in modern medicine. And another thing, big government has created this “Do for me” dependency mentality so strong that most people see the medical insurance companies as the big bad boogie man, not true, but they are guilty of paying the wrong people.
There should be a law forbidding the insurance companies from paying anyone other than who takes out the insurance, that would solve ninety nine percent of the insurance blame game politics. Sure, there would be a trust factor, but the patient would always know what is coming out of his hide and it would control care giver greed.
Medical care and medical insurance should be two entirely different things with one not influencing the other. Let’s brain storm and leave medical insurance out of the picture for a moment. Okay, you go to the doctor and he treats you and charges you a fee. He will expect you to pay the whole fee or as much as possible at the time.
Most people won’t have the lump sum or it will cause them a severe hardship, this is where medical insurance companies found a niche. Without insurance or government involved market forces would definitely control prices. That is the true problem in the medical profession today there is no market forces to help control prices, just like throughout the economy.
What people forget is medical insurance like all businesses is profit driven. For insurance companies to survive they can only insure healthy people and hope too many won’t become sick at one time. However, today most people have come to see insurance companies as a cash cow just like they view big government.
Economic lecture #7 by Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr.The doctors, nurses, and other medical workers can’t work for free for you to have free health care like some

CULTURE: USA culture is becoming a joke. Run-a-way crime is a symptom of a weak failed culture. The USA can't be saved without first saving its culture, period. And its culture can't be saved without first giving the USA economy back its free floating wage and price purging power societal discipline, by repealing the arch-evil 1938 Federal Minimum Wage Law, only that can save the USA from total doom at this late stage. Freddie L Sirmans' Log: 17 January 2022, 2239 Hours
True even doctors and the other support staff have their families to take care of for which they need money.
ReplyDeleteinteresting money making ideas
You are correct, there is no free health care. But an equitable one would be nice. When I look at our "servants," the congress getting total coverage and those of us who work getting little right now if anything I am more than a bit frustrated.
ReplyDeleteYes Vinay. Agree with you